
Review for Japanese Literature

Intro to Japanese Lit.

What did Japan borrow from China?

What is Shintoism?

What is Feudalism and how does it relate to Japan?


What is the Eightfold Path?

Name several characteristics of Buddhism.

What is the Middle Way?

What is Karma?

What is Zen?

Tanka Poetry

Was haiku inspired by tanka?

Name several common themes in tanka poetry.

What is assonance? Give an example.


What is the structure of haiku?

Does haiku have to follow that structure? What’s more important?

What is imagery and how does it relate to haiku?

Zen Parables

Give a quick overview of at least one parable.

What is a parable?

Give the morals of each parable.


What is the theme of “Nose”?

What makes others laugh at Zenchi?

What is the moral of the story?


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